Try These 9 Tips To Create A More Mindful Routine For Online Therapy

One of the best parts about therapy is that you can show up however you are. Teletherapy has made it possible to do therapy wherever we are. While many are returning back to offices, teletherapy has made traditional therapy more accessible and can often feel safer. Although we can show up to therapy however we are looking or feeling, when it comes to teletherapy, it can be helpful to have routines set up so that we can be the most present in our sessions; it may even feel helpful to have routines of care afterward. Here are some things to consider in your own teletherapy routine.

9 Tips for Building a Teletherapy Routine

woman standing against wall with laptop teletherapy

Do Something to Feel Connected to Yourself

Before starting teletherapy, consider finding small ways to feel more connected to yourself or do a few grounding activities. For some, this may look like getting ready for the day by putting on a cute outfit or putting some makeup on (although many may advise against mascara—for obvious reasons!). If that doesn’t resonate with you, doing some light stretches may help you feel more present in your body. Taking deep, mindful breaths may also help you feel more centered before you log on to do your mental health care.

Set an Intention

I suggest doing this no matter if you are doing therapy at home or in in-person. Either way, it’s important to set an intention for your therapy session. You may not always know what you want to talk about, and that’s okay! If you can reserve a little bit of time before your session to journal about what’s on your mind, text with a friend, or talk with a partner, you may end up feeling as though you had a more successful session.

Of course, know that you do not need anything prepared for therapy. But, I find coming in with some kind of intention—even if that intention is telling my therapist I have no idea what I want to tackle that day—is enough to start your session feeling more grounded.

Create a Specific Space for Therapy

If doing something to feel more embodied doesn’t feel like something you can—or want—to do before therapy, it may be worth finding a room in your house you feel safe in. If you live with someone else, is there a room you can be in without them listening so that you can show up undistracted in your sessions? If this isn’t possible, consider investing in a good pair of headphones or even taking your therapy session outside, going on a walk, or even sitting in your car if it would feel good for you.

If you are taking a teletherapy session in the middle of the workday and you are in an office, see if there is a separate room to take your call in. This way, you can feel confident that your session is private, you have established home or work boundaries, and you are able to focus on your healing for the full duration.

woman sitting on bed during teletherapy

Set Up Your Space

Depending on where you end up taking your session, think if there are ways that you can make the space feel more enjoyable or secure. This may look like lighting your favorite candle, having some twinkly lights set up on your wall, having an essential oil diffuser running, or turning on a light noise machine to have rain noises playing in the background (which can help as a noise-canceller if you do live with roommates or a partner). Make sure you have any other essentials next to you when you take your session such as water, a cup of tea (if that’s your thing), a pillow, a box of tissues, snacks, or whatever else will help you feel safe in your space.

Turn Your Notifications Off

I don’t know about you, but I get my text messages on my computer, as well as on my phone. Make sure that you’re setting yourself on ‘Do Not Disturb’ before you enter your teletherapy session. When you mute your notifications, this allows you to be fully present in your session without distractions and can help solidify those boundaries you’re trying to set up for our sessions.

Be Mindful of When You’re Scheduling Your Session

While not everyone will have as much flexibility in their schedule, teletherapy does allow us a certain amount of wiggle room because we don’t have to think about a commute. However, if you can be mindful of when you’re scheduling your session, you can get the most out of it. If you’re not a morning person, consider moving your sessions to the afternoon. If you are burnt out after work and don’t feel as though you can dig into your healing, try to see if you can schedule a session in the morning or during lunch.

Take Time After to Decompress

If you’re taking your therapy sessions from home, it can feel easy to just hop off the computer and right back into work or a different task. While this may be necessary sometimes, try to find time after your session to take a moment to honor what you just talked about and let yourself process it. This can look like returning to those stretches, eating a snack, putting on a pop song and dancing, or calling a friend to talk about it a little bit.

When you take this time to decompress, you are more likely to feel regulated throughout the rest of your day, as opposed to feeling tense after talking about serious or vulnerable topics that could leave you feeling raw with emotion.

Practice Compassion with Yourself

If you find that you’re more tired after virtual therapy sessions, know that it is normal. Our bodies are trying to read body language, social cues, and eye contact through a camera lens. In these circumstances, it can be hard to connect with people, especially a therapist you are being vulnerable with. Give yourself extra care and compassion, as it may take some extra time to build that trusting, therapeutic relationship

Tips on How to Find a Therapist

If teletherapy is something you want to pursue, luckily, right now is a great time to do so, since many practitioners are offering virtual therapy. You can find therapists by going through Open Path Collective, Inclusive Therapists, NOCD, or Psychology Today.


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